Home Building
Building your new home is exciting, especially when you understand how the process works.
Here’s what to expect during the major phases of construction and an overview of our timeline from start to finish.
1. Prepare Site
Our crew begins by clearing the building site of rocks, debris and trees and, if applicable, the septic system. We level the site, put up wooden forms to serve as a template for the foundation, and dig necessary holes and trenches. Footings (structures where the house interfaces with the earth that supports it) are installed. If your home is going to have a well, it will be dug at this point. If the home has a full basement, it is excavated, the footings are formed and poured, and the foundation walls are formed and poured. If it’s slab-on-grade, the footings are dug, formed and poured; the area between them is leveled and fitted with utility runs (e.g. plumbing drains and electrical chases); and the slab is poured. Once concrete is poured into the holes and trenches, it will need time to cure. During this period, there will be no activity on the construction site. After the concrete is cured, the crew applies a waterproofing membrane to the foundation walls; installs drains, sewer and water taps and any plumbing that needs to go into the first-floor slab or basement floor; and backfills excavated dirt into the space around the foundation wall. A city or county inspector visits the site to make sure foundation components are up to code and installed properly.
2. Framing
The floor systems, walls and roof systems are completed in this phase. Plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) sheathing is applied to the exterior walls and roof, and windows and exterior doors are installed. The sheathing is then covered with a protective barrier known as a house wrap; it prevents water from infiltrating the structure, while allowing water vapor to escape. This significantly reduces the risk of mold and wood rot.
3. Plumbing, Electrical & HVAC
Once the shell is finished, siding and roofing can be installed. At the same time, electrical and plumbing contractors start running pipes and wires through the interior walls, ceilings and floors. Sewer lines and vents, as well as water supply lines for each fixture, are installed. Bathtubs and shower units are put in place at this point because there’s more room to maneuver large, heavy objects. Ductwork is installed for the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, and/or furnace. HVAC vent pipes are installed through the roof, and insulation is installed in the floors, walls and ceilings. After the roofing goes on, the house is considered “dried in.” The electrician will meet with you and our staff to go over light, outlet and switch locations, followed by installation. Wiring for telephones, cable TV and music systems is included in this work.
Rough framing, plumbing and electrical and mechanical systems are inspected for compliance with building codes. At this stage, drywall is delivered to the building site.
4. Insulation
Insulation plays a key role in creating a more comfortable, consistent indoor climate while significantly improving a home’s energy efficiency. One of the most important qualities of insulation is its thermal performance or R-value, which indicates how well the material resists heat transfer. All of our homes are insulated in the exterior walls, as well as the attic and any floors that are located above unfinished basements or crawl spaces. Blanket insulation, which comes in batts or rolls, is the most typical and cost effective application in our new-home construction. We also offer loose-fill and blown-in insulation, which is made of fiberglass, eco-friendly cellulose or mineral-wool particles. Another insulation option, liquid foam, can be sprayed, foamed-in-place, injected or poured. While it costs more than traditional batt insulation, liquid foam has twice the R-value per inch and can fill the smallest cavities, creating an effective air barrier. Fiberglass and mineral-wool batts and rolls are usually installed in side walls, attics, floors, crawl spaces, cathedral ceilings and basements and is a great green building option.
5. Drywall & Exterior Finishes
Drywall is hung and taped so the seams between the boards aren’t visible, and drywall texturing (if applicable) is completed. The primer coat of paint is also applied. Contractors begin installing exterior finishes such as stone and cement board or vinyl siding.
6. Interior Trim
Interior doors, baseboards, door casings, window sills, moldings, stair balusters and other decorative trim are installed, along with cabinets, vanities and fireplace mantels and surrounds. Walls get a finish coat of paint and are wallpapered where applicable. Generally, exterior driveways, walkways and patios are formed at this stage. Charlottesville Area Builders prefers to wait until the end of the project before pouring the driveway because heavy equipment (such as a drywall delivery truck) can damage concrete.
7. Flooring & Exterior Grading
Ceramic tile, vinyl and wood flooring are installed. Exterior finish grading is completed to ensure proper drainage away from the home and the yard is prepared for landscaping.
8. Trim & Fixtures
Light fixtures, outlets and switches are installed and the electrical panel is completed. HVAC equipment and registers are installed. Sinks, toilets and faucets are put in place. Kitchen countertops are templated and installed.
9. Finishes & Landscaping
Mirrors, shower doors and carpeting are installed, and final cleanup takes place. Seed and straw are placed on the disturbed areas of the yard for erosion control. A building-code official completes a final inspection and issues a Certificate of Occupancy.
10. Final Walkthrough
We will walk you through your new home to acquaint you with its features and the operation of various systems and components. We will explain your responsibilities for maintenance and upkeep as well as warranty coverage and procedures. This is also an opportunity to identify items that need to be corrected or adjusted.